
What is skin elasticity?

What is skin elasticity?
January 31, 2024
What is skin elasticity?

What is skin elasticity?

The building blocks of resilient skin


For some, “skin elasticity” is a nebulous concept. We may be able to bend over backwards in a metaphorical sense, but only a contortionist would be able to actually do it. 

When we talk, in the skincare sphere, about skin elasticity, we are talking about a certain kind of strength and resilience. Our skin is made up of three layers of skin: the epidermis (top layer), the dermis (middle layer), and the subcutis (deepest layer). 

The middle layer is where you will find important proteins like collagen and elastin, both responsible for your skin’s elasticity. Skin elasticity is a measure of your skin’s ability to spring back into place after stretching.


Why does my skin lose elasticity?

Picture a new rubber band. It’s flexible, strong, and full of potential. New rubber bands can be used to bind loads of things: high quality posters, plastic bags, and even hair if you’re really in a pinch. And when they are new, once you’re done with them, they spring right back into their original shape - still shiny and ready for the next job.

Over time, this rubber band will lose its strength. Its regular use as well as exposure to the elements (such as heat and light) will wear it away until it can no longer return to its original shape. (It even loses its optimistic shine!)

Like a rubber band, it is natural for your skin to lose its elasticity over time. We may yearn for the days of baby-like supple skin, but there’s no amount of yearning that can turn back the clock. 

While there may be nothing we can do to prevent the natural aging process from occurring, there are ways to slow it down.


How do I maintain my skin’s elasticity?

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received is that skincare comes from within. That means doing the difficult work of eating well, sleeping well, and drinking enough water. It also means keeping up an active lifestyle within your abilities. But as you strive to do those things, it doesn’t hurt to give yourself a little extra help. 

Adding collagen to your skincare

Some of you may be surprised to hear that your skin’s natural collagen production starts to slow down in your 20s. The sooner you start your anti-ageing care, the better the results you can expect. 

Because collagen has a relatively large molecular structure, it’s not always easy for your skin to absorb it in the form of collagen creams or serums. However, if the collagen in the product has been hydrolyzed, it can become small enough to get in there.



Where do I start?

The Collagen Green Tea Ceramide Bounce Cream is made with plant-based collagen. Quite a number of collagen products are made with animal-derived collagen, but this one is made from a seaweed called Sea Staghorn (hydrolyzed extensin liposomes derived from sea staghorn). It also contains green-tea derived ceramide, an occlusive to encourage your skin to hold onto its moisture and prevent water-loss.



A collagen cream doesn’t necessarily have to have a thick and sticky texture. This cream remains lightweight which makes it comfortable to absorb without stickiness. 

Thoughts on the process

I like to think of my anti-ageing care that I do as scheduled maintenance. I’m not super interested in a potion that will somehow magically keep my skin looking the same forever. Instead, I look at my anti-aging skincare routine as a way to treat my skin as carefully as I can as it continues to age.  I don’t want to wait until damage control is required, I want to coast along and enjoy the process as I go. 

It’s a lovely thing to wind down after a long day with a skincare routine perfectly curated to my needs and wants. It’s a bonus if that routine helps to keep my skin feeling elastic and strong, like it could bounce back from anything. I encourage you to find your version of that!


Gotta bounce!



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